About Me


I am Vaneet Duggal, a well established entrepreneur. With a rich tapestry of talents, I was raised in Ludhiana and have ventured across Asia and explored the world. I am a Spiritual Seeker and the Creator of the Conscious Life Personality Assessment, a holistic guide to uncovering your patterns, beliefs, and life's purpose. I am also the brain behind The Fulfiller Frequency, a program designed to inspire epic love in the lives of couples and singles. As an Online Skills Trainer for The BVPS Empowered Life, I embrace life as a Creative Conscious being, and this journey has been nothing short of phenomenal.


My two-decade-long spiritual voyage has honed my energy healing abilities. While my present life is abundant with fulfillment, it has been shaped by a path of heightened awareness and overcoming challenges. As a perpetual student, I eagerly absorb wisdom wherever it may be found. I engage in Vipassana, Anapana, and Metta meditation techniques, regularly participating in silent retreats and communal meditation sessions. To me, meditation is the gateway to unlocking the boundless potential of the human mind as a deliberate and creative force. I hold a particular fondness for guided meditations, which offer profound insights and communal support. My YouTube Channel, Inner Peace Discovery, serves as a valuable resource for such experiences. I am also a certified Power Coach through Coaching and Leadership, Canada.


Beyond my spiritual pursuits, I have a deep love for travel and connecting with the natural world. Children hold a special place in my heart, and I delight in sharing playful moments with them. My compassionate nature naturally extends to those in need, whether they are family, friends, or individuals who seek support. My strengths lie in my unwavering passion for life, my adaptability in embracing new opportunities, my warm and caring presence, my distinctive abilities, and my exceptional organizational skills.


My Vision

My Mission

The Process

My Coaching Process

Discover mindfulness coaching that guides you towards balance and clarity. Our structured coaching process nurtures self-awareness and empowers you to find peace within, one step at a time.

Orientation and Assessment 100%
Balanced communication 100%
Self-Reflection 100%
Goal Setting 100%



My team consists of experienced professionals with a proven track record in various industries, ensuring you receive top-tier guidance tailored to your specific needs.


We understand that every business is unique. Our coaching is personalized, addressing your specific challenges and goals to drive meaningful results.


Our coaching isn't just about theory; it's about delivering measurable improvements in your business's performance , productivity and profitability.



Hear from our satisfied clients who have achieved remarkable transformations through our coaching, demonstrating our commitment to helping businesses thrive.